Thrill Me

I’ve added a page exploring the musical ‘Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story,’ which is the most popular theatrical adaptation of Leopold and Loeb to date. This includes quotes from the creator about his inspiration to create the musical, descriptions of the characters, the reactions of reviewers and much more. That post can be read here. x

In other Leopold and Loeb related news:

  • Thrill Me has opened for a 3 week run at the Jermyn Street Theatre in London x
  • ‘Scream’ Screenwriter Kevin Williamson Confirms Billy and Stu’s Queer-Coded Relationship Was Based on Real Gay Killers x

Bobby Franks

Happy 2022 to everyone. This year I’m going to be adding new content to this wordpress on the 1st and 15th of every month.

For my first post I wanted to gather together all the information I had on Leopold and Loeb’s victim: Bobby Franks: his personality, interests, relationships, etc. Unfortunately not much remains in print about Bobby as he died when he was only fourteen, but I have done what I can to hopefully help remember the boy who lost his life, instead of always focusing on his killers or the fallout from his death.

You can read more about Bobby Franks at this page.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any suggestions regarding future posts, I’d love to hear them. I’m still debating between my usual narrative style and the more factual source-based approach which I took in Bobby’s post, so if you have opinions I’d be grateful for them.

If you’d like to be notified when new posts are uploaded you can follow this blog or email me at to be put on my mailing list.