
Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, stories, questions, critiques, etc.

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513 thoughts on “Comments

    • In his autobiography Darrow said that Loeb was “not only a kindly looking boy, but he was and is a kindly boy. He was never too busy to personally do a favor for any one that he chanced to know.”


  1. Sorry. I have a question. Richard was sincere with Nathan, did he love him? What was their personal relationship? There are some facts about them. I just do not know.?


    • That’s a question I’m still searching for an answer to. I do believe there was a strong friendship between them, they spent a lot of time together and talked about things together they wouldn’t talk about with anyone else. But love? That I don’t know.


  2. Are there any additional videos with Nathan? Some sites didn’t open for me and I couldn’t view videos or photos.


    • I’m sorry some of the sites aren’t opening for you! Not all of them have videos to be viewed available online, a lot of them you have to go in person to see the video itself, unfortunately. But no, so far these are all the videos I’ve been able to find, if I find more I’ll be sure to add them to this page.


    • Their behavior during the hearing depended on the day. Sometimes they looked bored, some days they were very interested and took lots of notes and strategized with their lawyers, some days they whispered and joked among themselves.


  3. Hello, thank you for answering these questions, very glad to know more, I have a few more questions, about Richard Loeb, I would like to know more What was he like as a child? Are there any other special facts about him? In any case, could there be some facts about his personal life?? I will be very glad for your answer.❤


  4. Hello, thank you for answering these questions, very glad to know more, I have a few more questions, about Richard Loeb, I would like to know more What was he like as a child? Are there any other special facts about him? In any case, could there be some facts about his personal life?? I will be very glad for your answer.❤️‍🩹


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